Thursday, January 9, 2014

A Bit of Culture - The Rudraksha ( Total Explanation )

The word Rudra is the name of Lord Shiva and aksha means tears. There are several versions about the origin of the Rudrakshas.

Some epics say that there was a demon called Tripura Sur who was gaining more and power and becoming invincible. Lord Brahma, Vishnu and other Gods and Goddess went to Lord Shiva for help. They asked him to control the devil and conquer him.

Lord Shiva used his most fierce fire weapon called ‘Aaghor’ to destroy the demon. But Lord Shiva knew about the devastating effet of this weapon and this brought tears to his eyes. When he opened his eyes, a few teardrops fell on the earth. Wherever his tears fell, trees grew and were named the Rudraksha trees meaning ‘Tears of Lord Shiva’, though the English name for the Rudraksha tree is ‘UTRASUM BEAD TREE’ .

What are Mukhis ?

A Rudraksha bead can have several faces or mukhis. Mukhis or faces are visible vertical lines seen across the Rudraksha bead. Each bead has a different effect on you, depending on the number of mukhis it has. There are 38 varieties of Rudrakshas in total available in upto 21 mukhis or faces. Not all are available. Some are more easy to get than others and hence the large variation in their prices.

What is Rudraksh?

Rudraksh is the divine power blessed with auspicious energies of Lord Shiva. We get the details about Rudraksha in number of “Granthas” and “Shastras” (the holy books of Indian Mythology). There are various stories about the origin of Rudraksha. One can find the greatness and detailed literature about the properties of Rudraksha in ancient Vedic scriptures like, Maha Shiva Purana, AkshaMaalikaoapnashida, Srimad Bhagwata, Mantra Maharnava, Padam Purana and Jabbalaoapanishada etc. Rudraksha is believed to have the direct blessings of Lord Shiva, which contains the properties to remove the affects of sins of the wearer. It is even said that if one wears the Rudraksha (in any form) on his body, even without worshiping or energizing it, does not get near any sinful act or thought.

Rudraksh is procured from the trees called ELAEOCARPUS GRANITRUS (it is the botanical name of the tree). The sacred and holy people of India (“Sadhus”, “Munis” and “Yogies”) are using the Rudraksh from ancient time. They use to wear it on their head, around their arms or neck in the form of rosary or pendant. In the society of religion, Rudraksha is not a new or surprising matter. The Vedic people know and understand the importance of Rudraksha. As per their belief, Rudraksha gets them closer to their God and plays an important role to provide them “MOKSHA”.
The word Rudraksh is formed with the combination of two different Sanskrit words, “Rudra” and “Aksha”. The word “Rudra” stands for Great Lord Shiva and the word “Aksha” stands for the tears of Rudra (Lord Shiva).

One ancient story explains the origin of Rudraksha. Once upon a time, Lord Shiva was very upset and depressed due to the death of “Gauri”, his wife. He started crying and roaming here and there in search of “Gauri”. And while searching too he was crying and his tears were falling on the earth.
This is said that his tears were converted in Rudraksha. Rudrakshas are found in India, Nepal and Indonesia. Rudraksha is said to contain the secrets of entire evolution of the Cosmos within it.

Most of the Rudrakshas are found in round shape with different number of faces (“mukhi”) on it. But few Rudrakshas are also found with the shape of cashew nuts. Sometime they are found as a pair of two Rudrakshas, naturally joined with each other, known as “Gauri Shankar Rudraksha”. It is believed to have the blessings of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. And sometime, though very rare, a pair of three Rudrakshas is also found, again naturally joined with each other, known as “TRIJUTI Rudraksha”. It is believed to have the blessings of Great Lord Vishnu, Brahma and Shiva all together. Rudrakshas are found with different faces (mukhi), 1 to 21 faced.
2 to 8 faced Rudrakshas are normally found Rudrakshas, 1 faced, 9 to 21 faced Rudrakshas are rare found Rudrakshas. Each Rudraksha has its own benefits and properties. Each Rudraksha is blessed with auspicious energies of Lord Shiva, but still is believed to under the Lordship different Gods and Goddesses, thus having the blessings of those Gods and Goddesses too.

In astrology, Rudraksha is used as remedy of malefic planets. Unlike gems and stones, Rudrakshas are said to be always beneficial for the wearer. As the direct blessings of Lord Shiva is involved, no question of illness or negative results arises.

The Rudraksha is used for their benefic nature. The Rudraksha is very powerful and they help to achieve wonders, of energized (Praanpratishthit) properly and empowered by adopting the right Vedic procedure, It is important to purify the Rudraksha by milk, ghee etc and also to energized it (Praanpratishthit) before wearing it.

It is believed that wherever a Rudraksha (of any form, in any shape) is kept and worshiped, that place is free of sins. That place cannot be affected with devil effect (Bhoot-Pret Badha). That place is believed to be protected from theft, robbery and fire. The people living in that place are safe and protected from diseases, untimely accidents and death. They are protected from Super-Natural powers. The residents are blessed with never-ending wealth.

The love, faith, brotherhood, affection and sympathy is always there among the relationships. It is believed that Goddess Lakshmi takes the permanent residence in that place. Lord Shiva himself along with Goddess Parvati and Lord Ganesha are present there to protect the family.

Who can wear a Rudraksha?

Any human being in the world, related to any religion, society or community could wear Rudraksha. But as some precautions are to be taken while wearing a Rudraksha, it is suggested to wear Rudraksha only by the people over 14 years of age, as children are careless and may cause disrespect to the Rudraksha.

What are the precautions to wear a Rudraksha?

As told earlier, Rudraksha is the direct blessings of Lord Shiva; one should not act (in his belief and knowledge) that gives disrespect to the Rudraksha. One should not wear a Rudraksha while attending a funeral. One should remove Rudraksha before going to sleep (especially in case of new married couples). They can wear it next morning. One should not wear a Rudraksha while eating non-vegetarian food or while having alcoholic products. One should always wear an energized (Praanpratishthit) Rudraksha.

Is Rudraksha useful for Meditation or Chanting Mantras only?

By wearing a Rudraksha one gets the peace of mind, good feelings and activeness. Also his thoughts are centralized to the mission. And in today’s modern and fast moving life, the centralization of the thoughts is necessary. It helps you to overcome the state of depression and tension, which is increasing day by day due to competition. Rudraksha is believed to be self-energized tool to get success in every field of the life.

Rudraksha has a specific benefit – it overcomes the fear. In today’s time, take any country, take any society or community or religion, the whole mankind is scared and full of fear. The man is scared of himself. Rudraksha is an excellent source of energy to kill fear. That’s the reason that our “Sadhu”, “Munis” and “ Gurus” use to roam in jungles, different states and countries without any fear. They use to wear Rudrakshas, as they knew the importance and properties of the Rudrakshas. Today Rudraksha is used as a source of completeness. There is no purpose in that can’t be fulfilled by using Rudraksha.

Can different faced Rudrakshas be worn at one time?

Yes, it is a very effective experiment. To get the blessings of Different Planets and to get the benefits of different Rudrakshas one can wear Rudrakshas of different faces at one time. The importance of procuring and wearing 1 to 14 faced Rudrakshas all together is clearly defined in Indian “Shastras” and “Granthas” (the holy books on Indian Mythology). One can make the group of Rudrakshas as per his own choice according to his need and priority. There are some gems that can’t be worn together due to enmity and antagonism between the planets. But as Rudrakshas are the direct blessings of Lord Shiva, they are free from any illness or bad effects of any kind, so can be worn in any combination.

The Group of 1 to 14 Mukhi Rudraksha is known as “Sidha Rudraksha Yoga” and when Gauri Shankar Rudraksha is involved in the group of “Sidha Yoga” it becomes “Param Sidha Rudraksha Yoga”.

The group of 1 to 21 Mukhi Rudraksha is known as “Indra Sidha Rudraksha Yoga”. The Group of “Tri Juti Rudraksha with Gauri Shankar Rudraksha is known as “Maha Param Sidha Rudraksha Yoga”.

Do a wearer has to perform any Pooja (prayer)?

It is recommended to chant the “Panchakshari Mantra” of Lord Shiva for 11 times before wearing it. The Mantra is: “OM NAMAH SHIVAYE”. In case of rosary of Rudraksha, it is always suggested to use it for the purpose of chanting mantras related to any God. The more the mantras will be chanted on Rudraksha Rosary, the more it will be energized, thus giving its wearer more better results.

What is the difference between Gems and Rudraksha?

As told earlier, Rudraksha is the direct blessings of Lord Shiva. It has no ill or negative effects on its wearer, whereas the gems are associated with specific planets. If wrongly prescribed by an astrologer or if the quality of the gem is not good as required, it may cause enhancement in the tribulations caused by the malefic planet. On the other hand, Rudrakshas are used for both the purposes, to reduce the tribulations caused by malefic planets and to enhance the positive results of benefic planets.

What are the diseases cured by Rudraksha?

First of all one must understand that as per astrology, each planet has its effects on the human body. Each planet covers different organs of the human body. The malefic situation of the planet may cause the diseases related to the organs that comes under the specific planet. Rudraksha plays an important role in reducing the tribulations (including diseases) caused by the malefic planets. 1 to 9 faced (mukhi) Rudrakshas are related to the planets. An astrologer suggests the native to wear the specific Rudraksha for specific planet, thus preventing the native from the diseases related to that planet.

Important Tips about One(Single) Mukhi Rudraksha
- Rudraksha can be used to reduce the tribulations caused by malefic planets.
- Rudraksha can be used to enhance the positive results given by the benefic planets.
- Rudraksha can be used as a remedy to “Vaastu Doshas”.
- Rudraksha can be worn or can be kept in the temple at home or work place.
- Properly maintained Rudraksha can go up to next generation.
- Rudraksha should be kept clean and oiled.
- Rudraksha is a great medicine for Hypertension (Blood Pressure).
- Rudraksha can be worn in any form, may it be rosary, single bead or with combination of any Rudraksha.
- Rudrakshas can be hanged on the front doors of the temple, home and workplace (in shape of bunch).
..Also hanging it in the corners of your Office, Board Room, Meeting room will help you in a great deal.
- One should remove Rudraksha from his body while attending a funeral ceremony.
- Rudraksha never gives negative energies; therefore they don’t have ill effects of any kind on anyone.
- Rudraksha is an excellent tool to get protected from Devil effects (Bhoot-Pret Badha).
- Rudraksha is an excellent tool to get protected from diseases, untimely accidents and death.
- Rudraksha is a great energy one should wear to get fame, name, good fortune, never-ending wealth,
- property and respect in the society.
- Everyone in the world should wear Rudraksha on his body to enhance love, affection, faith, brotherhood and sympathy among each other.

What are the astrological purposes of Rudraksha?

In a horoscope of a native, there are 9 main planets. Each planet has its own nature and character. There are 12 houses in the horoscope. The snapshot of the situation of these 9 planets in 12 houses (at the time of birth of the native) is called a Horoscope. 12 houses of the horoscope represent different aspects of the life of the native. These houses contain different numbers from 1 to 12. These numbers represents different Signs (e.g. 1 represent Aries, 5 represents Leo and 12 represent Pisces). Each sign has the lordship of particular planet (e.g. Aries, Leo and Pisces are under the Lordship of planet Mars, Sun and Jupiter respectively). Now, in astrology some planets are friends to each other, some planets are enemies to each other and some planets are average to each other. When a planet is situated in the sign of his friend planet, he use to give good results related to that house and if a planet is situated in the sign of his enemy planet, he use to cause tribulations related to that house.

Om Namah Shivay

***Write ” Om Namah Shivay ” if you ask for God’s blessing on your life today.

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  1. where i can get this 1-14 original rudraksha from ?

  2. where i can get this 1-14 original rudraksha from ?
