Sunday, June 20, 2021

Should I Postpone My Studies Next Year ?

As Counselor advise!

Many thought of taking a gap year because of online study not that worthy.

Omg... Wrong!!!

- The longer you sit at home, the lazier you get.
- When you're behind your schoolmate in studies, you get very demotivated.

My advice if you're already decided to go for the commerce stream or Science stream, take our free Foundation in Arts/Science offer.

At least next year you already start our degree program of 3 or 4 years whereas your friend will still need 2 years STPM and 4 years (public Uni) to complete their studies. Total 6 years.

- if you're 18 years old now. You will graduate by July 2025 at 22 years old.

- whereas if your friends took a gap year, he will start 2 years STPM next year plus 4 public University degree. They will graduate in 2028 at 25 years old.

That's 3 years difference meant a lot to your parents. If your starting pay is 3000 per month. We are talking about opportunity to make 3000 x 12 = 36000 per annum or 36000 x 3 years = RM108,000.

Whereas your friend took a gap year and spent 1000 per month of their parent's money or RM12000 per year plus the loss of opportunity to make RM108000. Cost them RM120,000 for making wrong decisions.

Of course, there's a difference in the cost of studying in private compared to public Universities but it will not be RM120,000.

Think about it. If still confused,

Contact us now

Manipal International University, Nilai.

All the best!

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